Someone you're going to need to know through my writing is Wifey. She and I married mid-2002, and we're head-over-heels in love. She's my whole world.
You're going to need to know her because I'll be referring to her every so often. She's like my grounding rod. She keeps me level, and brings me back to Earth when I need it. She's my anchor.
Wifey only needs to be known as 'Wifey'. It's not necessary to go into specifics. She's a bit wary of this whole 'blog' thing (not being a blogger herself), so I need to draw her into this world gently and in moderation. Don't spook her.
Because I won't be using an actual picture of her at any point, here's a fairly adequate replica of the beauty that
is my wife:

Here's another picture of her:

Here's another:

And here's her mother:

Just kidding!
Wifey is a wonderful life partner who recently nursed me through an illness not altogether unlike the common cold (come on, it was a really bad cold!) without fuss or complaint. She and I enjoy spending time together, we share the same interests (although she's not as big a Muppet fan as me, but fair enough), and our future together is certain.
I will be taking care not to offend or alienate her from my life or my blog as a result of me maintaining this blog, and I hope she gets as much enjoyment out of I Blogged Myself as I do.
I just wanted to go on record as saying all that, at the outset.
I wanted you all - and her - to know. She is my world.