Items For Sale - Lot 'F'
Following the exceptional success of the Space Invaders sale last week, I now have some other unused computer games available. Four different versions of Pac Man.
Lemme know if you're interested.
Look out behind you! Mrs Pac Man is about to kill you! (Lol.)
... think about it.
*puts her hand up first for Pacman!*
Still no Galaga, but I see you brought your lunch box.
ok chickybabe. you take nos. 1, 2 & 4. i'll take no. 3 if he's still available.
what's the postage, bevie?
oh god. look at this word verif. i can barely read it, but i don't want to trash my comment, on account of it being so witty and all.
You girls! (I'd say 'tut tut', but I know I'd pay for it one day when the situation was reversed.)
Anyway, I actually think ChickyBabe missed the joke and is actually keen to buy a copy of the game ...
And MG, the postage is $4,000. That's how much a first class ticket costs to fly him over from his native Italy. Yes, you guessed it: It's your favourite Internet buddy!
Clokeeeey, there's not going to be a Galaga for sale. And that's just because I never owned it. (It's not because I can't think of a joke surrounding it. Oh no, not at all. Um.)
Bevis, to tell you the truth, I've got a broken down Galaga in the back here. I'll get a couple of shots of it and post it on my site.
Keep an eye out for it.
Bevis, to tell you the truth, I've got a broken down Galaga in the back here. I'll get a couple of shots of it and post it on my site.
Keep an eye out for it.
*sorry if I have repeated myself but I think blogger has lost my comment*
ya poofta
no bevis, i'm sure you're wrong there. i have several pics of gianluca di milano in my inbox and they all have very hairy chests. just as i suspected.
i like this one:
I found my Galaga and it's now up for sale.
That's great stuff, Clokeeeey. I see now what I should have done, but hey - the glory is all yours (and rightly so).
MG, OK, the jig is up. It ain't Gianluca.
Anonymous, it's not gay if I've put a picture of myself on the blog. But I tell ya what - that's the last time I do that!
I think I was having a blonde moment brought upon by phoyos 2 and 3...
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